Unfortunately, Call of Duty’s return on Steam isn’t all good news. The first new Call of Duty game on Valve’s games distribution platform comes with $70 asking price - the highest for a standard edition on Steam. Meanwhile, the Vault Edition of Modern Warfare 2 will set you back $99.99, which includes a handful of operator skins, a Season 1 Battle Pass, as well as 50 tier skips. It’s not something that most of us would pay $20 for, but we can’t tell you what to do with your money. If you want, you can pre-order Modern Warfare 2 on Steam right now and get early access to the Open Beta.

— Steam (@Steam) June 8, 2022 The PC platform is usually a safe haven for price increases. When video game publishers pushed to make console games cost at least $60 in the United States, Steam, among others, stuck to $50 for years before eventually giving way for a handful of AAA titles like Call of Duty. Unfortunately, it appears that Activision is brute-forcing its way into making gamers pay more for future Call of Duty games starting with Modern Warfare 2. Having said that, Activision Blizzard, and by extension Microsoft, stands to make a killing with Modern Warfare 2 later this year. Infinity Ward officially revealed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 earlier this year before the studio showed off its first trailer on June 8. In addition to offering audiences their first look at what’s easily the most-hyped Call of Duty game in recent memory, Activision Blizzard also confirmed that Warzone 2.0 is coming out this year as well. Finally, we found out that Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 will mark the start of a unified Call of Duty game engine for the future.

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